Safety Tips for driving during deer season
Each year in the US, about 29,000 people are injured and more than 200 people are killed in deer/vehicle collisions.
Know the likely deer - crossing zones - where or not a road is marked with a Deer Crossing Sign always be aware especially in the deep wooded areas.
Know when deer are on the move - When its dark its harder to see deer coming towards and that is when they are more likely to come out.
Use your high beams - When driving at night always turn on your high beams when there is no oncoming traffic coming your way to make sure there are no deer coming your way.
Brake Firmly if you notice a deer near the road - Slow down and break if you have to but never swerve to avoid hitting the deer.
Don't rely on devices - they have no been proven to avoid a collision with a deer.
Keep your distance - if you do have a collision with a deer stay at a distance and don't come into contact with the deer. The deer is injured and may still be alive and injure you. Make sure to contact your local authorities or call 911.
**** information obtained from please visit this site for more information.